The message you posted through PostMessage() is lost? Believe me, it wasn’t a bug in Windows. Check your own code. You’ve already done that? Okay, I have some advices on solving this problem.

  1. Check the return value of PostMessage(). PostMessage() might fail. It return false in the case. call GetLastError() for the detailed error information.
  2. Check the message loop. I’d like to present a windbg script to make life easier. The idea behind it is straightforward. All message are retrieved by GetMessage() or PeekMessage(), then delivered to corresponding window proc by DispatchMessage(). So we could set some checkpoints on these 3 APIs, tracing the message we’re interested.

To use this script, please setup the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH, and compile your project with symbols. Here we go.

.if (not(${/d:$arg1}))
	.echo Usage:
	.echo  " $$>a<${$arg0} msg [hwnd] "
	.echo  " Specify the msg you want to check. You could specify the hwnd as well "
	.echo  " "
	.echo Example:
	.echo  " $$>a<${$arg0} 400 1a0396			# monitor msg WM_USER (0x400) for window 0x1a0396 "
	.echo  " $$>a<${$arg0} 1					# monitor msg WM_CREATE (0x1) for all windows in current process "
	.if (${/d:$arg2})
		bp USER32!NtUserGetMessage+0xc  "j(poi(poi(esp+4)+4)==${$arg1} & (poi(poi(esp+4))==${$arg2})) '.echo;kL;g';'g' "
		bp USER32!NtUserPeekMessage+0xc  "j(poi(poi(esp+4)+4)==${$arg1} & (poi(esp+14)&1) & (poi(poi(esp+4))==${$arg2})) '.echo;kL;g';'g' "
		bp USER32!DispatchMessageW+0xc  "j(poi(poi(esp+4)+4)==${$arg1} & (poi(poi(esp+4))==${$arg2})) '.echo;kL;g';'g' "
		bp USER32!NtUserGetMessage+0xc  "j(poi(poi(esp+4)+4)==${$arg1}) '.echo;kL;g';'g' "
		bp USER32!NtUserPeekMessage+0xc  "j(poi(poi(esp+4)+4)==${$arg1} & (poi(esp+14)&1)) '.echo;kL;g';'g' "
		bp user32!DispatchMessageW  "j(poi(poi(esp+4)+4)==${$arg1}) '.echo;kL;g';'g' "

Say you save it as c:\msgmon.wds, call it in windbg this way:

$$>a<c:\msgmon.wds messge-id [hwnd]

Hope you solve your problem. /nick